Mariana first realized the incredible beauty of the world around her while growing up in her hometown in Bello Horizonte, Costa Rica. From a young age she dreamed of capturing that beauty through various forms of art but found her true passion when she picked up a camera for the first time. After traveling the world Mariana spent some time in California and fell particularly in love with the Napa Valley. She packed up her life and moved to California in pursuit of her dreams in photography and continues to be inspired by the beautiful scenery.

She has been photographing weddings and couples in wine country since 2018, as well as creating beautiful imagery for wineries and restaurants in the valley. With a degree in Architecture, a technical background in design and a naturally gifted eye for photography, she brings an upbeat approach to every photo shoot.

She is fluent in four languages (Spanish, English, French, Italian) and is truly a passion-driven person that always sees the best in every situation.

β€œI strive to serve people. To cheer them up and build confidence, showing them how beautiful they are in their own unique way. To make them feel. To inspire and be inspired. To capture the authentic and real connections. To build relationships, not just clients, while making sure that the time that we spend together is memorable and fun! β€

β€” Mariana CalderΓ³n